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How to Know If You Qualify For LASIK Surgery?

To define LASIK surgery in few simple words- it refers to Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis surgery to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism in people and help them restore their vision to 20/20 again. This type of surgery has benefited a lot of people over the years and made lives easier for many in one way or another.

However, you cannot just opt for LASIK surgery just like that. First, it is very important to determine whether you qualify for LASIK surgery as almost 30% of eye patients are not suitable for this surgery.  There are a series of tests and examinations that are performed by the ophthalmologist to find out your eyes compatibility with LASIK surgery.

Before the tests are performed, people who wish to undergo LASIK are asked to avoid wearing soft contacts for at least 48 hours and hard contacts for 1 week prior to the testing of the eyes. This is done because contacts alter the shape of the cornea and this might disrupt in getting accurate results from the tests.

The tests to determine if you qualify for LASIK surgery usually involves dilating pupils. Thus the patients should avoid driving any means of transport following examination.

Let’s have a look at various tests for determining LASIK surgery

Tomography of Cornea- It is also known as optical coherence tomography [OCT] through which the ophthalmologist evaluates the anatomy of your cornea. The term tomography refers to the ability of test to give the clinician sectional cornea images in 3D. This is a complete non evasive test i.e. no contact is made with the eye during the test.

The coefficient of variation taken reveals how much loss of cells has taken place in the cornea. This is very critical information for the surgeon to base his decision upon.

Visual acuity and refractive test- Visual acuity tests involves reading letters from a chart with the patient sitting 20 feet away covering one eye after the other. The refractive examination which goes hand in hand with visual acuity tests is also known as vision test. It informs the doctor about the desired prescription needed by the patient for reaching 20/20 or perfect vision. Here too, patients sit 20 feet away from the chart and look through a device with various lenses which the doctor keeps on changing to determine the right lens.

Ophthalmology examination- This involves a series of quick tests including dilation of pupils to evaluate the health of retina and the optic nerve. The second test called tonometry is to measure intraocular pressure of the eyes. The most common method of performing this surgery is letting a patient stare through an examination device while the doctor apply swift puff of air to the eye so as to measure light reflection of the eye. Besides this, there are slit lamp tests and tear tests too. All these test results with added information about patients’ health determine whether you are qualified for LASIK surgery. Contact Sharp Sight Centre for evaluating your eyes to find out if they qualify for LASIK.

in few simple words- it refers to Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis surgery to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism in people and help them restore their vision to 20/20 again. This type of surgery has benefited a lot of people over the years and made lives easier for many in one way or another.

However, you cannot just opt for LASIK surgery just like that. First, it is very important to determine whether you qualify for LASIK surgery as almost 30% of eye patients are not suitable for this surgery.  There are a series of tests and examinations that are performed by the ophthalmologist to find out your eyes compatibility with LASIK surgery.

Before the tests are performed, people who wish to undergo LASIK are asked to avoid wearing soft contacts for at least 48 hours and hard contacts for 1 week prior to the testing of the eyes. This is done because contacts alter the shape of the cornea and this might disrupt in getting accurate results from the tests.

The tests to determine if you qualify for LASIK surgery usually involves dilating pupils. Thus the patients should avoid driving any means of transport following examination.

Let’s have a look at various tests for determining LASIK surgery

Tomography of Cornea- It is also known as optical coherence tomography [OCT] through which the ophthalmologist evaluates the anatomy of your cornea. The term tomography refers to the ability of test to give the clinician sectional cornea images in 3D. This is a complete non evasive test i.e. no contact is made with the eye during the test.
 The coefficient of variation taken reveals how much loss of cells has taken place in the cornea. This is very critical information for the surgeon to base his decision upon.

Visual acuity and refractive test- Visual acuity tests involves reading letters from a chart with the patient sitting 20 feet away covering one eye after the other. The refractive examination which goes hand in hand with visual acuity tests is also known as vision test. It informs the doctor about the desired prescription needed by the patient for reaching 20/20 or perfect vision. Here too, patients sit 20 feet away from the chart and look through a device with various lenses which the doctor keeps on changing to determine the right lens.

Ophthalmology examination- This involves a series of quick tests including dilation of pupils to evaluate the health of retina and the optic nerve. The second test called tonometry is to measure intraocular pressure of the eyes. The most common method of performing this surgery is letting a patient stare through an examination device while the doctor apply swift puff of air to the eye so as to measure light reflection of the eye. Besides this, there are slit lamp tests and tear tests too. All these test results with added information about patients’ health determine whether you are qualified for LASIK surgery. Contact Sharp Sight Centre for evaluating your eyes to find out if they qualify for LASIK.

1 comment:

  1. If you get tired from wearing glasses or temporary contact lenses then lasik eye surgery in India is the right option to choose. The surgery is also known as the refractive eye surgery and helps in the removal of any refractive error from eyes.


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